Download Top 50 Unicode Hindi Fonts

Get 50 most popular and beautiful Hindi Unicode fonts for Window. Unicode Hindi Fonts includes Mangal, Aparajita, Gargi, Lohit Devanagari and more to type in Hindi, Marathi, Sanskit and Nepali.


50 Unicode Hindi Font Bundle

We are giving 50 most popular and beautiful Unicode Hindi fonts for free. They are probably the most used fonts in India. Often used for daily and official use in government departments and office in many states of india.

Hope this Hindo Fonts will be helpful for those who are willing to type in Hindi. Feel free to download and use it as a reference.

List of 50 Stylish Hindi Fonts for download:

1Akshar Unicode Font DownloadAkshar-Unicode-Font
2Amiko Unicode Font DownloadAmiko-Font
3Amita Unicode Font DownloadAmita-Font
4Aparajita Unicode Font DownloadAparajita-Font
5Arya Unicode Font DownloadArya-Font
6Asar Unicode Font DownloadAsar-Font
7Biryani Unicode Font DownloadBiryani-Font
8Chandas Unicode Font DownloadChandas-Font
9Eczar Unicode Font DownloadEczar-Font.png
10Ek Mukta Unicode Font DownloadEk Mukta-Font
11Gargi Unicode Font DownloadGargi-Font
12GIST-Dhruv Unicode Font DownloadGIST-Dhruv-Font
13GIST-Kishor Unicode Font DownloadGIST-Kishor-Font
14GIST-Mohini Unicode Font DownloadGIST-Mohini-Font
15GIST-Vinit Unicode Font DownloadGIST-Vinit-Font
16Halant Unicode Font DownloadHalant-Font
17Hind Unicode Font DownloadHind-Font
18Kalam Unicode Font DownloadKalam-Font
19Karma Unicode Font DownloadKarma-Font
20Khand Unicode Font DownloadKhand-Font
21Kokila Unicode Font DownloadKokila-Font
22Kurale Unicode Font DownloadKurale-Font
23Laila Unicode Font DownloadLaila-Font
24Lohit-Devanagari Unicode Font DownloadLohit-Devanagari-Font
25Mangal Unicode Font DownloadMangal-Font
26Modak Unicode Font DownloadModak-Font
27Nakula Unicode Font DownloadNakula-Font
28Nirmala-UI Unicode Font DownloadNirmala-UI Font
29Poppins Unicode Font DownloadPoppins-Font
30Pragati Unicode Font DownloadPragati-Narrow--Font
31Rajdhani Unicode Font DownloadRajdhani-Font
32Rhodium Libre Unicode Font DownloadRhodium-Libre-Font
33Rozha-One Unicode Font DownloadRozha-One-Font
34Sahadeva Unicode Font DownloadSahadeva-Font
35Sahitya Unicode Font DownloadSahitya-Font
36Sakal Bharti Unicode Font DownloadSakalBharati-Font
37Samanata Unicode Font DownloadSamanata-Font
38Samyak Devanagari Unicode Font DownloadSamyak-Devanagari-Font
39Sanskrit text Unicode Font DownloadSanskrit-Text-Font
40Sanskrit 2003 Unicode Font DownloadSanskrit-2003-Font
41Sarai Unicode Font DownloadSarai-Font
42Sarala Unicode Font DownloadSarala-Font
43Sarpanch Unicode Font DownloadSarpanch-Font
44Siddhanta Unicode Font DownloadSiddhanta-Font
45Sura Unicode Font DownloadSura-Font
46Teko Unicode Font DownloadTeko-Font
47Tillana Unicode Font DownloadTillana-Font
48Utsaah Unicode Font DownloadUtsaah-Font
49Yantramanav Unicode Font DownloadYantramanav-Font
50Yatra One Unicode Font DownloadYatra-One-Font

Hindi Alphabet

The Hindi alphabet has 36 consonants and 12 vowels. Hindi is written from left to right, which is the same as English. The Hindi language is written in the Devanagari script. The Hindi language's 12 vowels and 36 consonants are of the same form as the English one. Hence, it's easy to learn the Hindi alphabet fast.

Hindi Language

The Hindi language is member of Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family of languages. It is India 's preferred official language, though much national business is done in English as well as the other language recognized in the Indian constitution. In India, approximately 425 million people speak Hindi as a first language and some 120 million more as a second language. Significant communities of Hindi speech can also be found in South Africa, Mauritius, Bangladesh, Yemen, and Uganda.


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