Hijri to Gregorian date converter converts Hijri dates into Gregorian dates via Hijri Date Converter & same for Gregorian to Hijri. Hijri Date Converter provides you with the most accurate Islamic Date Converter to facilitate you in your day to day planning.
You can view both the Islamic Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar simultaneously with the Hijri Date Converter, and compare the two dates according to your ease. In addition, if you are not comfortable with the digital version, you can even print out a copy of the Islamic Calendar.
The Date Converter is not only useful to Muslims, but it can also help non-Muslims living in Muslim countries and get to learn about the coming holidays well in advance. Also, you can even check the Islamic date and year you were born. Just log in to our website and type your date of birth in the Date Converter, and it will turn out your Islamic birth date along with the Hijri year you were born into.
So now, you can access the Hijri Date Converter if you want to make plans according to the Islamic dates or holidays!
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