Download Free Gantt Chart Excel Template and Create Professional-looking Gantt Charts in Excel. Gantt Excel is completely automated and is super easy to use. If you use Microsoft Excel, you can create a Gantt Chart with almost no learning curve by downloading Gantt Excel. Microsoft Excel is instantly familiar, so everyone on your team “gets it” and hits the ground running.

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, named after its inventor, Henry Gantt, who designed such a chart around the years 1910–1915. Modern Gantt charts also show the dependency relationships between activities and current schedule status.

Everyone uses Microsoft Excel almost every day for almost everything – from a simple calculator to tracking massive projects. There’s just one thing that Excel is not good at and that is creating Gantt charts. For this reason, we created Gantt Excel, an automated excel template that allows you to create awesome Gantt Charts within Excel.

Download Gantt Excel Template for FREE

Gantt Excel is the answer to your needs. It makes working with Gantt charts easy, fast and even enjoyable.